The Chamber of Commerce of Milan-Monza Brianza-Lodi is promoting an important initiative to improve the environmental footprint of micro, small and medium-sized enterprises in the paper, paper and textile sectors (activities more exposed to conversion towards greater environmental sustainability) through a contribution to the Product Life Cycle Analysisservice (LifeCycle Assessment – LCA).
The Product Category Rules (RCP) for Industrial Laundries were published by Ministry of Ecological Transition on the last 18th of June...
The Call "Changes – Ideas and actions for the changing climate" promotes interventions to climate change in the areas of Piemonte, Valle d'Aosta and the Liguria hinterland. The aim of the initiative is to reduce the negative effects of climate change.
The Lombardy Region has launched a ranking call for proposals, accessible through a specific application by 15/07/2021, to promote and support initiatives in favour of the Circular Economy.
Legislative Decree 116/2020 makes environmental labelling of packaging compulsory, an important regulatory update for companies that will have to comply with the criteria.
From the Ministry of the Environment come green answers regarding the new minimum environmental criteria (CAM) for the contracting of cleaning services and for the supply of detergents and paper products...
The construction industry is particularly challenged by the Circular Economy on both the CAM and Superbonus fronts.
With the Ministerial Decree of the Ministry of Economic Development of 18/12/2020, the modalities for the implementation of the support measure for small enterprises operating in the textile, fashion and accessories industry have been established.
It is still possible to participate in the call issued by the Lombardy Region and aimed at the energy efficiency of small and medium-sized enterprises